Sunday 12 October 2014


Do you know how to smile? Have you ever heard the hadith about smile? Smile is a sadaqah. Today we are going to share about smile, but we are not referring to that smile. The smile that we are going to discuss today is a molecular input line entry specification or in simple word, we are giving a short name to  a certain chemical molecule. Do you still remember the name of molecular formula that we memorized during our high school? It was quite difficult to remember because it is too long right? So, using SMILE we can manage to shorten the name of molecule. Well,now let's figure it out together.  

These are the example of molecular structure:

The table below shows IUPAC name and its SMILES NOTATION:

 IUPAC Name SMILES Notation
Bromochloroethane CC(Cl)Br
Propanoic Acid CCC(=O)O
Methanol OC

We really hope this post can help you to understand about SMILES. If this post is not enough for you to understand, you can click on the link below. 

and before you leave this blog, don't forget to smile!

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