Sunday 12 October 2014


Assalamualaikum. Hi there. How was your holiday?  During our last lesson, we learned how
to use chemsketch. Chemsketch is a software that can draw chemical structures including
 organics , organometallics, polymers and Markush structure . Besides, it can help in
 teaching chemistry concept to students .  
At first , we had many difficulties to draw the structures using the chemsketch but after 
reading the manual provided , we managed to do it on time . 

Here are some pictures that show the techniques on how to use the chemsketch:

For more details about the guidelines on how to use the chemsketch , you can click on 
this link :

 We can calculate the density, composition, molar mass and many more from a molecular structure by using this software.

IUPAC Name Density Molar Mass
Octane 703.00 kg/m3
114.23 g/mol
Methanol 791.80 kg/m3
32.04 g/mol
Propanoic acid 990.00 kg/m3
74.07854 g/mol

We glad that we can share some knowledge that we learned from the class before to all of you. We really hope that this post can be beneficial to you.


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