Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Hai guys, Assalamualaikum !How have you guys been so far ? We hope you are feeling good . 
 Now, we're updating the blog right on class. Not like the previous work, we did it at home. 
In this class, we learn about PROTEIN DATA BANK(PDB). 
So before we proceed, do you take biology ? Have you ever heard about that? 
If this is your first time hearing it, it's same goes to us since we are not biology students so we do not know what is protein data bank is about . 
Therefore in this class,we are given a chance(not to mention it is on the syllabus) hehe.. to learn about PDB  . PDB is a repository for 3-D biological macromolecular structure. 
Before you ask ,repository refers to a storage location often used for safety or preservation. To make it simple , a storage location that use to locate 3D biological macromolecular structure .  
All data and information regarding the biological structure are not private . Let me tell you a little bit of the history of PDB. It is founded in 1971 by Brookhaven National Laboratory in new York and on 1998, it is transferred to Research Collaborators for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB).

These are few examples of biological macromolecular structure  : 

For the general knowledge,let me show you  4 groups of macromolecules as in the table below : 

Group Building Block  Large molecule  Function 
Carbohydrate Monosaccharide Polysaccharide Store energy,receptors and structure of plant cell 
Protein  Amino acid  Polypeptide/protein  Enzymes ,structure , receptors . 
Nucleic acid  Nucleotide  Polynucleotide / Nucleic acid  Make up genetic information in living things where it consists of 2 types : DNA and RNA
Lipid  Glycerol, fatty acids  Fats , oils, waxes , phosopolipids and steroids Act as structure of membrane, store nergy and insulation 

Another fact about PDB is it is an important resource for research in the academic, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology sectors. 
Plus, the external data are included in PDB Beta where they are collected and integrated weekly . The interesting fact is biologists and biochemists from all around the world submit their report through this PDB.  
then, the report will be checked and the geometry of the macromolecule is checked with known standards for distances and angles together with the coordinate data which will be checked from other experiment.  
The results will be sent to annotation staff and returned to the author for review after it is done . 
Let's move to the conclusion. PDB is a thing or some sort of software which eases the users to do work. Because this sort of field requires very specific details on any thing they found , the biologists need this software. As years pass by, the technology should be upgraded from time to time and this , is one of the example on how technology affects mankind .    
 Before we go ,we provide you the link on how to load and work on protein data bank files .  May it helps !  

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