Tuesday, 21 October 2014


HI everyone.
Here we meet again. Everyone is talking and using internet nowadays. It feel like life is incomplete without internet. Do you agree? Hahaha.. It seems like it was too much to say that but that is the reality thought. However,have you ever wonder since when the internet is created and developed?
Well,now i will share with you this knowledge that i got during my lecture today.

To begin with,let us learn and know the basic term about internet. Internet is a global system of interconnected computer network that use the standard internet internet protocol suite(TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldview. We usually uses internet to communicate with people all around the world.

In the past,people used Morse Code that is dots and dasheh, or short signals and long signals. however,today we use a binary code to send a signal to communicate, but still the Morse Code is being used up until today.

Alright, now that is for the basic. Before we move on to the next exciting parts,let me show you the summary of the evolution of the internet.

1945 Memex conceived
1948 A Mathematical Theory of Communication
1958 Silicon Chip
1962 First Year Computer Network Envisioned
1964 Packet Switching Invented
1965 Hypertext Invented
1972 TCP/IP Created
1984 Internet Named and Goes TCP/IP
1989 WWW Created
1993 Mossaic Created
1995 Age of eCommerce Begins

A very big applause to the scientist who tried their best to improve the communication of internet. For more info on this,you can move your mouse to this link

Now,do you know that the link above s called as URL?URL is a Universal Resources Locator that directed you to the specific site. Let me add up your knowledge about the URL. The http:// is called a Protocol. The internetsociety.org is called as a Host Name while the rest is a File Name. Have a look at an image below for more understanding.

The next important part of internet is IP Address. We know that computer used a binary code as their languages. However,this code cannot be understand by human, So,we convert the 32-bit internet address to  IP address to dotted decimal format. How to convert it?
Firstly, we divide the address into 8-bit octet like in the image below.

Then we convert each binary octet into a decimal number.

Let say that we have 01100011 as a parts of the 32 bit number. Then we put the number in the octet position and convert each binary into decimal number. After that, we add up all the decimal number. The result of the binary number is 64 + 32 + 2 = 98. Got it? It is easy right?

I will leave you with the picture of IP address so that you can understand more about it. For now,let us just end it here. Time is running out quickly. See you next time. Stay healthy and use remember to use the internet wisely.


Hai guys, Assalamualaikum !How have you guys been so far ? We hope you are feeling good . 
 Now, we're updating the blog right on class. Not like the previous work, we did it at home. 
In this class, we learn about PROTEIN DATA BANK(PDB). 
So before we proceed, do you take biology ? Have you ever heard about that? 
If this is your first time hearing it, it's same goes to us since we are not biology students so we do not know what is protein data bank is about . 
Therefore in this class,we are given a chance(not to mention it is on the syllabus) hehe.. to learn about PDB  . PDB is a repository for 3-D biological macromolecular structure. 
Before you ask ,repository refers to a storage location often used for safety or preservation. To make it simple , a storage location that use to locate 3D biological macromolecular structure .  
All data and information regarding the biological structure are not private . Let me tell you a little bit of the history of PDB. It is founded in 1971 by Brookhaven National Laboratory in new York and on 1998, it is transferred to Research Collaborators for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB).

These are few examples of biological macromolecular structure  : 

For the general knowledge,let me show you  4 groups of macromolecules as in the table below : 

Group Building Block  Large molecule  Function 
Carbohydrate Monosaccharide Polysaccharide Store energy,receptors and structure of plant cell 
Protein  Amino acid  Polypeptide/protein  Enzymes ,structure , receptors . 
Nucleic acid  Nucleotide  Polynucleotide / Nucleic acid  Make up genetic information in living things where it consists of 2 types : DNA and RNA
Lipid  Glycerol, fatty acids  Fats , oils, waxes , phosopolipids and steroids Act as structure of membrane, store nergy and insulation 

Another fact about PDB is it is an important resource for research in the academic, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology sectors. 
Plus, the external data are included in PDB Beta where they are collected and integrated weekly . The interesting fact is biologists and biochemists from all around the world submit their report through this PDB.  
then, the report will be checked and the geometry of the macromolecule is checked with known standards for distances and angles together with the coordinate data which will be checked from other experiment.  
The results will be sent to annotation staff and returned to the author for review after it is done . 
Let's move to the conclusion. PDB is a thing or some sort of software which eases the users to do work. Because this sort of field requires very specific details on any thing they found , the biologists need this software. As years pass by, the technology should be upgraded from time to time and this , is one of the example on how technology affects mankind .    
 Before we go ,we provide you the link on how to load and work on protein data bank files .  May it helps !  


Hi there, Assalamualaikum !!

Alhamdulillah and be grateful to Allah as we are still alive today :D

As for today we learned so many new things. The most interesting one is about XML.

What is XML??

Actually XML stands for Extensible Markup Language.XML is a markup language that describe data and focus what data is. Someone may be confused about html and xml. XML and html is two different things. Html is about displaying data while xml is about carrying data. XML is more about independent tool for carrying information.

The table shows the difference between html and xml :

designed to display data with focus on how it looks designed to transport and store data with focus on what data is
case insensitive case sensitive
has its own predefined tags tags are not predefined
does not preserved white space does preserved white space

This is an example of XML Document :

below is an example of XML tree :

xml documents form a tree structure that starts at "the root" and branches to "the leaves"

Last but not least, below is an example of XML table :


1- With XML, it is illegal to omit the closing tag.All elements must have a closing tag, like this:
      <p>This is a paragraph</p>
      <p>This is another paragraph</p>

2- XML tags are case sensitive.

       <Message>This is incorrect</message>
       <message>This is correct</message>

3- All XML documents must contain a single tag pair to define a root element.


4- Comments in XML The syntax for writing comments in XML is similar to that of HTML

       <!-- This is a comment -->

For more details on how to write simple xml document, you can click here .


Sunday, 19 October 2014



Hello everyone ! Are you feeling good ? Today is a nice day to share what have we learned on our third lecture. Guess what ? We were instructed to do html coding which will be saved in 2 types of file that are .txt and .html . Have you ever used notepad before ? If so, what do you usually do with that notepad ? Making simple notes and stuff ?
Here , we are going to tell you how to do html coding using notepad .
First one,  write the opening and closing code . In between these codes, you can write the html coding.

For starting, we write only basic coding to get the idea of what will be pictured on our computer screen.
Next , we took a further step to do list coding which ,
The ul is for non-ordered list while ol is for ordered list. If you want to replace bullet list(one of the types of ordered list) with alphabetical order ,type “ A” below the header word.
You can change to number=1  as well if you wish . 
Here is the picture .

Next , we move to coding table. As you can see the picture below, without cell-padding , the table becomes smaller compared to with cell-padding.

After that , we make 2 assignments consist of image and image_task files. The image file is the one with basic image html coding . As you can see the picture below, for simple and not moving image, you can copy the name of the picture and paste it to html coding and at the end of it, type .gif .

The table shows the list of Head of Department according to respective departments .


Now, we extract the information on these table and make it into web-browser . In order to do so , we write html coding  using notepad.
TADAAAAAAAA!!! This is what we get .

If you want to know more details about html, you can just click on the below:

So guys, it’s already late evening and we are out of ideas since our brain tell us to stop thinking and get ready for maghrib prayer. We gotta go, see you guys next time ! adiossss~~~~

Sunday, 12 October 2014


Assalamualaikum. Hi there. How was your holiday?  During our last lesson, we learned how
to use chemsketch. Chemsketch is a software that can draw chemical structures including
 organics , organometallics, polymers and Markush structure . Besides, it can help in
 teaching chemistry concept to students .  
At first , we had many difficulties to draw the structures using the chemsketch but after 
reading the manual provided , we managed to do it on time . 

Here are some pictures that show the techniques on how to use the chemsketch:

For more details about the guidelines on how to use the chemsketch , you can click on 
this link :

 We can calculate the density, composition, molar mass and many more from a molecular structure by using this software.

IUPAC Name Density Molar Mass
Octane 703.00 kg/m3
114.23 g/mol
Methanol 791.80 kg/m3
32.04 g/mol
Propanoic acid 990.00 kg/m3
74.07854 g/mol

We glad that we can share some knowledge that we learned from the class before to all of you. We really hope that this post can be beneficial to you.



Do you know how to smile? Have you ever heard the hadith about smile? Smile is a sadaqah. Today we are going to share about smile, but we are not referring to that smile. The smile that we are going to discuss today is a molecular input line entry specification or in simple word, we are giving a short name to  a certain chemical molecule. Do you still remember the name of molecular formula that we memorized during our high school? It was quite difficult to remember because it is too long right? So, using SMILE we can manage to shorten the name of molecule. Well,now let's figure it out together.  

These are the example of molecular structure:

The table below shows IUPAC name and its SMILES NOTATION:

 IUPAC Name SMILES Notation
Bromochloroethane CC(Cl)Br
Propanoic Acid CCC(=O)O
Methanol OC

We really hope this post can help you to understand about SMILES. If this post is not enough for you to understand, you can click on the link below.


and before you leave this blog, don't forget to smile!